4 Dental Problems that Wisdom Teeth Can Cause

A common dental rite of passage that many individuals experience at some point in their lives is the emergence of wisdom teeth. Unfortunately, these molars often cause a range of issues that can significantly impact a person’s oral health. This blog takes a look at some the dental problems that wisdom teeth can cause.


Due to their late eruption, wisdom teeth often lack sufficient space to grow properly, which leads to partial or complete impaction. Partially impacted wisdom teeth can cause gum swelling, tenderness and difficulty in cleaning that makes them susceptible to infections and decay. Fully impacted teeth can even lead to the development of cysts, further complicating matters.

Crowding & Misalignment

Wisdom teeth can cause crowding and misalignment of surrounding teeth. As they push through the gums, wisdom teeth can disrupt the existing alignment of adjacent teeth. This can result in a domino effect, causing major misalignment issues that necessitate orthodontic treatment. Addressing the problem early on can prevent more severe complications down the line.

Infection & Gum Disease

The position of wisdom teeth makes them prone to infection and gum disease. Tight spaces and difficult access make proper cleaning challenging, causing bacteria to accumulate. This can increase the risk of infection as well as lead to gum disease, which can cause irreversible damage to the supporting structures of the teeth if left untreated.

Pain & Discomfort

The eruption process itself can be painful. Many individuals experience discomfort, swelling and soreness in the back of the mouth as wisdom teeth emerge. In some cases, the pain can radiate to the jaw and ears, impacting otherwise normal daily activities like eating and speaking. If you’re experiencing persistent pain, it’s important to seek advice from your dentist to determine if wisdom teeth removal is necessary.

Learn More Today

If you’re worried about your wisdom teeth or experiencing one or more of the above problems, Bundoora Family Dental Clinic can help. Give us a call or message us online today to book an appointment at our clinic.

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